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Patient Participation Group

We are a group of patients working together with the practice staff to improve our GP practice services for everyone. We welcome all practice patients and carers of registered patients to share their ideas, skills and enthusiasm. Come to the meetings held at our GP practice or get involved by joining our Virtual Patient Participation Group.

Where do we meet?

We aim to meet at our GP practice four times a year to discuss issues that concern our practice patients.

Who attends the meeting?

Our Patient Participation Group meetings are attended by the practice patients, carers of registered patients, a GP and the Practice/Reception Manager.

What happens at the meeting?

A Patient Chair manages the meeting supported by a Secretary who takes minutes. We discuss agenda items, agree the action plan for services improvements and monitor the agreed implementations.

A PPG meeting Agenda may look like this:

  • Welcome and introductions
  • Updates from GP Practice staff
  • Patients’ feedback, suggestions and comments
  • Small project ideas and updates
  • Agreed action plan
  • Date of the next meeting

What do we do?

  • We gather patients’ feedback
  • We review patients’ surveys
  • We explore ideas and suggestions on how to improve patients’ experiences in our GP practice
  • We discuss with GP Practice staff and agree on an action plan for service improvements
  • We monitor the implementation of the service improvement action plan
  • We run small projects that benefit all practice patients such as health promotion, patients’ education, improvement to practice environment

What we don’t do?

A PPG meeting is not a forum to raise individual complaints.

A PPG meeting is not a forum to seek medical advice.

Virtual PPG

A Virtual PPG is a patients’ email group for those who wish to contribute to improving practice services but cannot attend face to face meetings at the surgery. You can share your views via online forums or surveys.

Next meeting

The next Patient Participation Group meeting will be held on the 18th October at 2pm.

Join our Patient Participation Group

All registered patients are able to join our Patient Participation Group. People of all genders, ages, ethnicities, and those with health conditions and disabilities are encouraged to join.

Members should as far as possible, be representative of the surgery population.

To join:

Page published: 9 May 2023
Last updated: 16 August 2024