Carers UK
They’re here to make sure that no matter how complicated your query or your experience, you don’t have to care alone.
0808 808 7777
Carers UK
info@carersuk.orgSocial care and support guide
If you or someone you know needs help with day-to-day living because of illness or disability, this guide explains your options and where you can get support.
NHS: Social care and support guideCarers in Hertfordshire
Carers in Hertfordshire exists to support people in their caring role. All their services are free.
01992 58 69 69
Email Care Hertfordshire North
Crossroads Care Hertfordshire North is a registered charity providing both practical and emotional support to Carers and the people they care for.
020 8905 1158
Crossroads CareLiving Well With Isabel
Living Well with Isabel can offer a range of courses and activities to support you if you are living with a long term condition.
Living Well With IsabelWhat support can we offer to those registered as carers?
1. Carers café’s, coffee mornings,
2. Signposting and referring to relevant organisations such as Carers In Herts, Adult Care Services, Citizens Advice etc.
3. Offering reasonable adjustments- e.g. working to accommodate appointment times to suit
4. Social prescribers are available to support in a more holistic way
5. Free flu vaccination as part of the national flu campaign
6. Annual carers health checks
7. Providing carers packs which contains helpful information such as leaflets and booklets to support carers
8. Offering advice on safer lifting and other aspects of providing care such as medication
9. Discussing with carers what they would like the practice to do in the event of the carer or the person they care for having a medical or other emergency.Support for Carers
If you are an unpaid carer there is a range of health, care, and voluntary support available. Identifying yourself as a carer or on your GP and other health records can benefit your own health, and that of the person you care for.
You are an unpaid carer if you provide help to a family member, friend or neighbour who would not be able to manage without your support, and you are not paid to do so. You can be a carer at any age. The person you care for may have a physical or learning disability, dementia or mental health problems, misuse drugs or alcohol, or be ill or frail.
Telling your GP you are a carer can help you get the support you might need. This could benefit your own health, and that of the person you care for.
It’s never too late to identify yourself as a carer on your health records. To let your GP practice know, first check their website – there might be a form you need to complete, or specific guidance for you to follow. Otherwise, you can call reception or speak to a health professional at your next appointment at the surgery.
There’s other support available for carers too. The NHS website has information about what is available nationally, with more local information on the following pages.
Website: living in Hertfordshire
If you are an unpaid carer living in Hertfordshire looking for support and information, Carers in Hertfordshire can help you. Find out more about Carers in Hertfordshire, or if you are a carer aged under 18, visit their website for young carers.
To register yourself as a carer:
If you are 18 or over, complete the ‘Recognising carers’ form on Hertfordshire County Council’s website. The council will let Carers in Hertfordshire and your GP know on your behalf. If you experience any difficulties or have questions, you can email Carers in Hertfordshire or call them on 01992 58 69 69.
If you are under 18, download the form on the website for young carers. You can email the team or call them on 01992 58 69 69 for any help or questions.
Hertfordshire County Council also has information and support for carers living in Hertfordshire.
If you’re unsure of the support you might need, you can alternatively get in touch with Herts Help. They will listen and help you find support, guidance and information that you might find useful. Call 0300 123 4044 or email Herts Help, Monday to Friday, 8am to 8pm or Saturday and Sunday, 10am to 6pm.
Carers living in Hertfordshire can apply for a Carers Passport which has discounts in local shops, restaurants, training, break-away and leisure activities – find out more about the passport or apply for a passport.Carers living in West Essex
If you’re a carer living in west Essex, Essex County Council has lots of information and support. You can ask for a carers assessment to identify what they can do to support you.
Action for Family Carers
Action for Family Carers offer local support for unpaid carers in West Essex, including specialist information, advice and guidance. You can also access help to find practical solutions to address specific challenges, services for your emotional wellbeing, and be connected with other local people in similar situations to you for mutual support.
To find out more, visit the Action for Family Carers website, call 03007 708090 or send them an email.
Page published: 9 May 2023
Last updated: 4 February 2025