Brook provides free and confidential sexual health and wellbeing services for nearly 250,000 young people UK-wide, each year.
BrookSexual Health Helpline
The National Sexual Health Helpline provided by Public Health England is open Monday to Friday, 9am to 8pm.
0300 123 7123Family Planning Association
A sexual health charity, the Family Planning Association gives straightforward information and support on sexual health, sex and relationships to everyone in the UK.
020 7608 5240
Family Planning AssociationSH:24
Working in partnership with the NHS, SH:24 provides STI testing, diagnosis and treatment, oral contraception, the morning after pill and specialist remote clinical support.
Website Health Hertfordshire
All clinics offer a free and confidential service to everyone regardless of age or gender.
www.sexualhealthhertfordshire.clch.nhs.ukYouth Connexions Under 25s Outreach Clinic
Youth Connexions offer Walk-in and Appointment Clinics for the under 25s. The clinics include testing and treatment for sexually transmitted infections, HIV testing, contraception, pregnancy testing, free condoms, emergency contraception and confidential contraception, and sexual health support and advice.
01727 897330
Cheshunt YC outreach clinics
Sexual health
Page published: 9 May 2023
Last updated: 7 December 2023